Epic baking/cooking friday!!

•September 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment

So today I decided I was going to get into it, and get some baking going on. Plus I was planning on making the goat cheese/asparagus pasta that I found on a blog. I went and purchased my very first lemon zester. I must say it was great fun zesting 2 lemons lol I cant wait to use it again. I made dessert first. I bought a package of blueberries and found a galette. It was a very simple recipe too just involved cornstarch,blueberries, sugar, and the zest and juice of 1 lemon. I just used a ready-made pie crust it was just easier.

It turned out great!

The photo doesn’t do it justice (flash suckage lol) Need to go pick up some ice cream for it. I cannot wait to dive into it!

Next was the asparagus goat cheese pasta! I love food blogs and I have been all over them recently trying to get new ideas of stuff to make.  I came across this recipe for pasta that was sort of macaroni and cheese but kicked up. 😛 Everything went great you boil up penne pasta and about 2 minutes shy of the box directions add some fresh chopped asparagus and cook for the rest of the time. Drain and add goat cheese, 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt, and the zest and juice of one lemon. Mix all together and poof. The recipe calls for you to save 1 cup of the boiling water in case it gets to thick but I myself didn’t need it mixed together perfectly.

So that was my first epic baking/cooking friday! There will be more to come this weekend because we are having an open house/housewarming cookout on monday and i am searching the blogs once again looking for something to bake for it. We are just gonna do hamburgers.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Trying this again!

•August 26, 2010 • Leave a Comment

So this is the second incantation of a blog. I had a blog over on blogspot for over a year, but real life interferences and creativity loss made me save what i had and take a break for a bit. Messed around over on Tumblr for a while and realized that I love blogging too much. I love sharing my passions as well as keeping a record of my life.

So here I am once again. Hi im Jodi. I live in the great state of Illinois. I am a crafter, baker, cupcake maker, and aspiring photographer. And I plan on sharing all of these passions on this blog.

I think where I go wrong is thinking I need to blog everyday. When I make something I share it. And sometimes I only bake something once a week! Sooooo that Is how much I should share 🙂

I love baking, I love crafting. It’s that feeling of accomplishing something and looking at it afterwards and saying ya know what I did something. Usually shortly after thinking that when I bake something I snarf it down lol. Plus I love giving homemade gifts. Crafting includes crocheting, sewing, quilting, painting, ceramics, cross-stitching, and much more. I love baking cookies, cupcakes, cakes, tarts, muffins, cupcakes, pies, did I mention cupcakes?

Since I was little I loved taking pictures, things like the sky, pretty flowers. This year I have stepped up this hobby by purchasing my very first DSLR. I love this camera, I want to learn everything about photography with aspirations of making a career. When I got this camera this year its like I knew finally what direction I wanted to go in my life. I have the support of my family and I am taking that road and seeing where it can go! I will be taking a class later this winter and going from there 🙂 Plus I love taking pictures of everything I bake. 🙂 So I will share a lot of that here.

Yes that’s right I am a little cupcake crazy lol. I love little cakes of goodness with buttercream on top!

So here I am once again ready to start this blogging adventure. Are you ready to join me?